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Exhibits at the 390th

Current Exhibits

Our comprehensive and compelling exhibits provide insight into the B-17’s important role in the Allied Victory in Europe. 

The 390th Memorial Museum cares for and displays our B-17 according to the terms of a permanent loan with the United States Air Force. The 390th was selected as the home for the B-17 over other organizations because of our willingness to build a protected structure for it.
The 390th Memorial Museum is so proud to unveil a brand new exhibit of our A-2 flying jackets. The new display, which includes custom-made cases and signs, was made possible by generous donations to our 2020 Adopt a Jacket campaign.
The 390th Bombardment Group’s final six missions were not ones of destruction but of humanitarian aid. From May 1st through May 7th, the 390th participated in six Operation Chowhound missions that air dropped rations for the starving citizens of Holland.
One of the most unique features of the 390th Memorial Museum are the crew photos lining the walls on the second floor. Our location system can help any descendant find his/her relative’s image.
The experience of being taken prisoner of war was one the men of the 390th were all too familiar with. In total, 731 airmen were interred in German stalags from 1943 – 1945.
In an effort to help our patrons understand the realities of life on base in Framlingham, we have a Nissen Hut on display with two bunks inside. Just two bunks would have been a paradise to the men of the 390th; the reality is this Nissen Hut actually housed three crews of six men: imagine 18 people in that space with no privacy!
One of our most exciting exhibits is a fully restored B-17 G tail turret on loan from aviation author, Nick Veronico. Nick contacted the museum in early 2020 about loaning us this beautiful piece that he spent 30 years restoring.
Nose art runs the gamut from cartoon characters to pin-ups to symbols of luck or intimidation. The art was reflective of the crew’s identity.

Upcoming Exhibits

No upcoming exhibitions.

Memorial Museum Hours & Fees

10 am – 2:30 pm
Last admission at 4 PM

Admission included with PASM gate fee.

Parking is free of charge.


Thanksgiving – Closed
Christmas Day – Closed